Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Pedophile launches lawsuit against victim.

Former United States House Speaker and convicted pedophile Dennis Hastert has launched a lawsuit against a victim of his whom he paid "hush money" to in order to buy the youths silence. Apparently, the victim spoke out about the abuse and now Hastert is suing that individual in an attempt to recover said monies that were paid to buy their silence, on grounds that the individual did not keep up their end of the bargain by speaking out about the incident(s).

Yes, you read that right. Go ahead and read that paragraph again if you must.

The pedophile actually has the nerve to try suing the victim.

Never mind that he victimized someone by molesting them (at minimum) while they were underage, and then tried to buy their silence (which is *also* quite illegal), no no no...HE THINKS HE IS THE FUCKING VICTIM!!!!


Top 4 Reasons CNN Gets Called “Fake News”

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Neo-Nazis in Manhattan? What really happened

Fort Mac businesses used as NDP props

After Berkeley: A Right Wing Call to Self-Defense

6 Reasons Left Wing Protests are a Joke

Trump, Hitler, and the Millennial Hero Complex

Why Left AND Right Should Reject Identity Politics

Wait a minute: Is #Pizzagate real?

One year in: Top 5 ways Trudeau and his Liberals are ruining Canada


Hey there reader.
Look. I don't want to cause any panic here, but you gotta listen up.
There is a good possibility that a Nuclear Event has happened in Europe and is currently being covered up.

About two weeks ago, on February 9th, 2017 there was an explosion at a Nuclear Power Generating Station in France (Flamanville Station). The public was told there was nothing to be concerned about and that there was NO radioactive leakage.

That might be true, but, then again, it might also be complete and total bullshit.

What IS actually going on *right fucking now* is that quantities of Iodine-131, which IS radioactive have been detected at many air sampling stations across Europe. Iodine-131 has a half-life of around 8 days, which means one of two things. Either the blast at Flamanville Station was much worse than the public has been told and there is currently a sustained release of radioactive material from the damaged powerplant, OR, there has been an unreported nuclear test, detonation, or other source of leakage *somewhere* in the vicinity of Europe.

On February 17th, 2017, the United States Air Force deployed one of its "Nuclear Sniffer" planes with the goal of locating the source of the radiation. Such a plane was used during the 2011 Fukushima Disaster to test the concentrations of airborne radiation, and from what isotopes it was coming from.

Again, I am NOT posting this to cause alarm. I am posting it simply to inform. Take whatever precautions YOU think are prudent and necessary. It might be nothing, and if it is that's great. BUT, if it does turn out to be something, being armed with a bit of knowledge can give you a small head start in protecting yourselves.

With Regards,

Stephen Fry: The Importance of Unbelief

Penn Jillette: Reading the Bible (Or the Koran, Or the Torah) Will Make ...

300...because 300

Penn Jillette: Why Tolerance Is Condescending

John Cleese: Political Correctness Can Lead to an Orwellian Nightmare

Political Correctness is Fascism pretending to be Manners : George Carlin

Comedy: Steve Hughes on the Absurdity of Political Correctness

Male Feminists & Jian Gomeshi

Joe Rogan Podcast : On Modern Feminism

Joe Rogan Podcast: Justin Trudeau, Social Justice and North Korea

Everything wrong with Justin Trudeau - Joe Rogan Podcast

Students pledge to cut off their penises if Trump builds border wall

"2 students at The University of California stated that they would publicly remove their penis’ if Trump enforced the existing USA-Mexico border wall. In a continuance of this trend, 4 students at the University of Washington have promised to remove pieces of their reproductive anatomy if Trump builds the wall."


Tips on how to spot a snowflake.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Scientists are turning Nuclear Waste into awesome diamond batteries

"When the researchers compressed radioactive carbon material from graphite blocks used in nuclear power plants, the result was a diamond that emits a continuous electrical current while producing no emissions. In addition, it needs no maintenance or recharging, and can operate for thousands of years."


Sunday, February 12, 2017


So much waste. So much "surplus" that cannot be reused or sold to the public. And when you see or hear dollar values in the video, keep in mind those numbers are in 1940's Dollars - the value would be much much higher today after inflation and currency devaluation is taken into consideration.

Shia LaBeouf is a Complete Idiot

Friday, February 10, 2017

Conservatism is the NEW Counter-Culture



Hey there.
Yes, you - the person reading this blog.
Welcome to the place that I post things.
Some of the content will be funny. Some of the content will be serious.
Some of the content will be scientific, technical or meant to be somewhat educational.
And some of the content will be just downright bizarre.
This is "Mentis Meae" - Latin for "My Wandering Mind"


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